Room To Breathe

This is my place to share stories and anecdotes about my superficially mundane life. It's my space to vent, where I can figuratively dance for joy and give virtual hugs. It's a nook where I can unload heavy emotions and express other overwhelming baggage... good and bad. This is my room to breathe.

Location: United States

Friday, January 12, 2007

Finding the Will to Compact

I came across an online article last week about a group of friends who swore to "Compact" last year. Their intentions are certainly noble and their efforts towards earth conservation very admirable. The Compact's mission statement is quoted below:

"1) to go beyond recycling in trying to counteract the negative global environmental and socioeconomic impacts of U.S. consumer culture, to resist global corporatism, and to support local businesses, farms, etc. -- a step, we hope, inherits the revolutionary impulse of the Mayflower Compact
2) to reduce clutter and waste in our homes (as in trash Compact-er)
3) to simplify our lives (as in Calm-pact)"

The gist of it, or dare I say the challenge, is to help control the mindless consumption of goods that will just as soon clutter up the home and eventually our landfills. Thereby, to sign yourself up for the Compact, you have to exert all efforts to purchase used items (at consignment stores, thrift stores, etc.) and only if they are truly necessary. Some exceptions are the purchase of essential toiletries, underwear (it's funny as one was quoted as she'd rather make her own underwear than buy used), medicine and food. It's not all too dire, however. Once a year Compacters get what's called a "Jubilee Day" wherein they give themselves the greenlight to purchase whatever they want regardless of its condition.

Now, I was initially intrigued with the movement (if I may call it that). To NOT buy anything NEW is simply astounding for me. I know that I'm not as much a shopaholic as I was a decade ago, but still, to NOT BUY ANYTHING NEW?! But as I look around my own home and see the mind-numbing clutter that never seems to get in control, I began to understand the need within me to do something. So, seeking inspiration and ideas, I joined the compact egroup (JUST the egroup!), and it was really interesting what kind of thoughts and ideas that were bounced around. Anyway, for better or for worse, I thought that I might as well take some baby steps towards Compacting.

First of, let me make clear that I don't think that I can compact for a year. I think that I can do it for myself alone, but I can't do it for my family's behalf. There's a suggestion to do it from month to month. Even that might prove to be too tough for me. So I've decided to just take it from week to week beginning this Sunday.

And now, before I begin, I am going around the house taking stock of all the stuff that I and my family have accumulated. I think that I've mentioned this before, but for a struggling family, we piled on quite a heap. Sorting through my children's clothing, I never realized just how many clothes they both have. While I am happy when they are gifted with clothes, I take a bigger part of the blame with their bulging closets. Although I usually buy on clearance, getting those $5 shirts still add up and my children can very well go through all their clothes in a month without me having to do their laundry. And these are children who are both under five! And please don't let me start on their toys!

And then I also found a few knickknacks that I bought just because it's super cheap, but have now ended up being tucked away in drawers. There's a cookie cutter set that I got two years ago that I have yet to use. They're Halloween themed and I usually cop out to buying candies on Halloween rather than baking sugar cookies and decorating them. There's a complete twin bedding set that I got on sale. In truth, the set is really lovely, and for the price and brand, quite a steal. I bought it last year picturing it on AT's bed, a perfect complement to her room. The only problem is, AT still sleeps in her crib and may not even be ready to move on to her toddler bed until Spring! So I'm guessing that this bedding set will make its way out of the bag by the time AT turns four and that's TWO YEARS AWAY!

So maybe, this really is my call to curb my needless spending more than anything else. As important as it is to save the earth, it's just as important to save myself. To get a grip and just put true value on whatever is necessary. A plush towel might be dirt cheap at $2, but do I really need one when I've already got ten in the linen closet? I guess that this might be my year to simplify my life and pare down the excesses. Let's just see how far along I can go.

Compact sources:



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